So, Let's Cut Right To The Gold Here.

How Can I Help You?

Well. we are all familiar with the concept and feeling of trauma, anxiety, stress, and loss making us feel disempowered, but what if I told you this was never meant to be a permanent state of mind. Oh, the world would have you think that it's a normal part of life, and there's nothing you can do about it, bar popping pills, but! What if I told you that these points of temporary disconnection were your body and minds way of rebooting, upgrading, and processing this new information in order for new growth to occur and for you to thrive. Seems simple enough right? So why do we often find ourselves unable to move forward or feel held back by one thing or another?

The answer is you. Yes YOU!

Our body's and minds run wonderfully independent of any real direction, if any from you. But this is only good to a point, things that are automatic like breathing or scratching a itch for example needs no real contemplation or intention. Processing an array of complex information however, does and this is where you come in. The process of reconnection to self that I teach allows you to tap into your energy reserves and process this information without the journey being so uncomfortable and dare I say it? Weirdly exciting and fascinating , thus transforming your pain into to power.

I Know What You're Thinking.

Who Are You Anyway?

My name is Kimani Naomi, and I am a trauma recovery and confidence coach.

I started this business back in 2017, (You can read more about why further down on this page.) But I created this space and platform, because I found out that so much was being kept from us, about how we work, how we heal, and our capacity to heal. It is literally what our bodies and minds are designed to do. In finding the keys to unlocking our natural abilities, my mind was blown. Never in a million years would I have thought that I could have got to where I am today naturally. This a woman with such sever anxiety, she would literally pass out from system overwhelm. This a woman who was told she would have to be medicated for the rest of her life. This the woman who would suffer from convulsions from said medication and thought, really thought that this was her lot, her life, the destiny she had been given.

Yes, years ago, my imagination could never had even conceived the idea of what it would be like to be here today, and speaking of the woman in the past, today feels as though I am speaking about someone else entirely. This being a comment and feeling shared by the many clients I have worked with over the years. You may be wondering why I shared this with you? Well, it's because I have taken this journey. So, I know about the initial apprehension. The wondering of, "Will this even work for me," and the "I'm too far gone for this," and my all time favourite, "I've tried everything."

I get it, I do. There is so much of the mainstream that works for some, but not for most, so let me be the one to tell you. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU, but there is something wrong with the systems we are currently living in. If you want something different, you've gotta be open to try something different, and choose the road less travelled.

This is who I am. Someone who has been there, and done that. Someone who is not clinical or judgmental, or de-sensitised to what you're experiencing. Someone who has not just survived, but thrived, and someone who simply understands how important it is to pay it forward.

Ready To Answer That Calling?

I Got You! Let's do this!

The Art Of Not Giving A F*ck!

The world today is full of distractions that often takes up an unnecessary amount of energy, and for some, an overwhelming amount.

The art of not giving a f*ck, helps to bring awareness to these distractions and clutter - to help us address and diffuse the trigger responses they create - and to cultivate resilience to any further f*ckry.

The Warriors Way

We all have thing's that we are being called to do. Whether that is seeking love and respect from our relationships, a life style that is healthy for body and mind, or even fulfilment from family, life, or career.

Whatever it is, it isn't uncommon for things to get in the way, internally or externally. The Warriors Way helps you to address these issues, along with the anxieties that come with the fear of the unknown. It is the perfect way, to not only start, but ensure you stay the course of your journey.


Imagine a life where you have an unbreakable bond of love and trust with yourself, and unshakable confidence in your life and decisions.

No. it's not a myth, it is absolutely possible.

This course will take you through everything you need, to cultivate self love, confidence, resilience, and empowerment.

Fire Of The Phoenix

We can all feel like a villain when we step into our power, when we finally find our voice, when we begin to establish our boundaries, and understand our own importance.

Fire Of The Phoenix helps us to unlock those fiery aspects of our own psyche, to understand them and how these beautiful, yet powerful energies aid in our protection, and to accept them as a necessary part of who we are, without feeling ashamed and negatively labelling our own empowerment.

Rebirth & Rise Rebellion

This is the gateway to my personal inner circle.

"Why me?"

Trust me, that is a question I've asked myself for well over half my life. As I sat on the edge of a double bed in a single room of a dingy emergency housing hotel, that's exactly what I thought. Why me? I worked so hard to make life better for me and my son and here I was, head in hands crying because I had lost everything. Again! Have you ever felt like that? It's the worst, I felt like an absolute failure. I lost my family structure, my home, my business, my dignity. I honestly felt like I had nothing left to give. I just felt defeated, totally lost and completely alone.

Thoughts of the past came rushing through to reiterate why I was never going to be loved, how I'm nothing and not worthy of the life I saw only in my dreams, how my life would always be this way, that there's no point in even trying anymore. "You tried" I told myself, "and totally failed, you might as well face the facts. This is your life, live with it." And with that I died a little inside and decided that I was beyond repair.

I couldn't even bring myself to envision what life would or could look like beyond the day after that, my life was just miserable going through the motions of existing for the sake of the responsibility of motherhood, but that's the life I slowly got comfortable with. Stuck and never moving forward, surviving and never thriving, same sh*t, different day and I'd just convince myself that it was normal, this is just how life is.


That wasn't at all how life was, but I couldn't see past the veil of bs I had convinced myself of until it was too late and I found myself in a hospital bed. As I lay there waiting to be whisked away to the operating theatre, I started contemplating life as one does when they suddenly come to the knowledge that their future is uncertain.

I lay and wondered about what time I may or may not have left and what that would mean for my son and that lead to me think about the time that had already gone by. I suddenly found myself feeling quite angry as you do when you realise you have been robbed, "How could I have let this happen." I said to myself, because here I was penniless, jobless, an absolute mess laying in a hospital bed wondering what was to become of my son should it be bad news in the end. I had nothing, absolutely nothing to give to him, to ensure that he was safe. Not even a good story for comfort or inspiration. All we both had been left with is a question. Why me? And this changed everything.

I came to realise that I was in a massive state of trauma and had been for quite some time, that this had somehow become my normality because "just get on with it" was somehow a thing. An impossible thing, but just like so many others I pretended to, because that's just how it is. It's how we have been taught to live and I thought, how wrong to the point of sick it was to expect someone to simply suffer things like child abuse, domestic violence, rape, the loss of children, of life, of love, and pretend that they're "fine" for the sake of political correctness. To simply accept their pain, self-blame, and shame and carry it around like some lifelong ball and chain that just keeps growing, getting heavier and heavier with every passing day.


I didn't want to live like this anymore, so I vowed that whatever time I had left would be for living and I do mean truly living. When I got home, I began my healing journey and it occurred to me that I wasn't the only one who felt like that, who believes that this is how it's always going to be, who had just accepted their pain as part of life, who was struggling, and I didn't want that. It BURNED me to know that there were people out there feeling how I felt, and as alone as I had been for all these years.

A few weeks after the operation I got a call to let me know that the tumour was benign and that is where this story truly began because that was the green light for me to create this movement for generational healing and collective empowerment. Today I live in a house that I love, with a life that was once unimaginable. I get to witness the miracle of recovery and growth every day and I have to tell you, it's the most beautiful thing. In losing what I thought was everything, I gained so much more. More than I ever thought possible and it still blows my mind to this day. I am a qualified life coach, shadow work practitioner and more.

So why me? Because I have not only studied the subject for years, I have lived it. I survived to tell the tale then thrived to make a difference. Stories are one of the most powerful things in the world, are you ready to take ownership of yours to see where it may take you?

Hey, before you go I wanted to share some awesome things people have been saying. There are hundreds of these, but I'll share some of my faves with you!

"I will eternally be grateful for everything you helped me with and believing in me because now I have achieved more in the last year than I have done in 30!"

"This changed my whole perspective on everything I have done. You made me strong, I don't even take antidepressants anymore. It's been early 5 months now. You will always have a special place in my heart"

"Beautiful words from my gorgeous life coach, unlike any help I've ever had! The woman who celebrates your wins and holds your hand when hurdles appear. Instead of the past she helps you conquer the now, ready for the future."

"This week has been fantabulous! I haven't approached shadow work like this before and I'm going to do more of this from now on. You're an amazing teacher Kimani! Thank you for holding this beautiful space for us."

"Christ on a bike, what an eye opener! I kind of knew what was going on, but not until I actually wrote it down that it's so obvious! The most embarrassing thing is that almost every lying bastard belief results in doing the same thing."

"I was crippled with fear and she came like an angel in my life at a point where everything was foggy and I was very overwhelmed. Her words soothed my soul and I felt listened to with love and respect and for so many of my concerns, I got clarity.